Title: Introduction to HTML - Sample Lesson for 6th Grade


To introduce 6th-grade students to the basics of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and its role in creating web pages ... btw, who added the hit counter?

Materials Needed:

  1. Computers with internet access and browsers
  2. Projector (or whiteboard) for demonstration purposes

Lesson Plan:

  1. Introduction (2 minutes)
    • Greet the students and introduce yourself briefly.
    • Explain the purpose of the lesson: to learn about HTML, the language used to create web pages.
    • Emphasize the importance of understanding HTML in today's digital world.
  2. What is HTML? (3 minutes)
    • Define HTML: Hypertext Markup Language.
    • Explain that HTML is the standard markup language used to create web pages.
    • Show examples of web pages on the projector or whiteboard and explain that they are made using HTML.
    • Highlight that HTML uses tags to structure content on a webpage.

  3. A quarter of the way there!

  4. Basic HTML Structure (3 minutes)
    • Introduce the basic structure of an HTML document: <!DOCTYPE html>, <html>, <head>, and <body>.
    • Explain the purpose of each tag briefly:
      • <!DOCTYPE html>: Declares the document type and version of HTML.
      • <html>: Defines the root element of the HTML document.
      • <head>: Contains meta-information about the HTML document.
      • <body>: Contains the content of the HTML document visible to users.
    • Show a simple example of an HTML document on the projector or whiteboard, highlighting these tags.
  5. Hands-on Activity (2 minutes)
    • Instruct students to open their web browsers and navigate to vscode.dev.
    • Demonstrate how to create a new file and save it with the .html extension.
    • Encourage students to follow along and create their own HTML document using the basic structure discussed earlier.
    • Provide guidance and assistance as needed.

  6. Half way there!

  7. Exploration and Experimentation (2 minutes)
    • Encourage students to experiment with adding different HTML tags within the <body> section of their document.
    • Suggest trying out tags like <h1> for headings, <p> for paragraphs, <a> for links, and <img> for images.
    • Emphasize the importance of testing and observing how their changes affect the appearance of the webpage.
  8. Conclusion and Recap (1 minute)
    • Gather the students back together as a whole class.
    • Ask a few students to share what they have learned or created during the hands-on activity.
    • Recap the key points of the lesson: what HTML is, basic HTML structure, and the purpose of HTML tags.
    • Encourage students to continue exploring HTML and coding in their free time.

  9. Almost there, 75% done!

  10. Closing (1 minute)
    • Thank the students for their participation and engagement.
    • Express excitement for their future learning in computer science and web development.
    • End the lesson on a positive note, encouraging students to continue practicing and exploring HTML on their own.

    You're 100% complete!!!

Note: Monitor students' progress during the hands-on activity and provide individual assistance as needed. Encourage collaboration and peer learning among students.